Wednesday, March 18, 2015

HCST Science Fair Winners

8th grade winning project:
‘ReBuilding The Earth’ by Joseph Sexton

Joseph's project focuses on greenhouse emissions and eco-friendly design. "I came across statistics that the construction industry is responsible for as much as 40% of man-made carbon emissions," he explains. "It's clear that investing in sustainable design is an important step in helping to save our planet. Eco-construction should almost be automatic, not just an afterthought."
Joseph came up with prototype of an "eco-friendly" building, in this case, a health facility with a swimming pool using the principle of reflected and refracted light to help heat the pool and gym. Joseph will be presenting his "ReBuilding the Earth" project at the 2015 Jersey Journal Hudson County Science Fair. Another of Joseph’s science projects won the Narushinsky Award at the Hudson County Fair in 2013. Joseph's other interests include filmmaking, drama and writing.

7th grade winning project: ‘Money that Makes a Battery’ by Christopher Casavecchia 

“My interest in physics started when my science teacher, Ms. Norcia introduced the topic one day in class,” Christopher stated. He wanted to expand his knowledge by creating a science fair project about batteries, which he entitled, “Money that Makes a Battery.” Christopher was intrigued about how batteries worked. Christopher’s project consisted of making a voltaic pile (an electric battery) out of pennies and nickels which acted like electrodes and a salt water and vinegar solution which represented electrolytes. Christopher explained, “Essentially how batteries work is one electrode would act stronger than the other creating an electrical potential difference, which makes the electrodes negatively charged and the other positively charged. This allows the electrons to flow through the battery, which represents the flow of energy.”
Christopher loves to play soccer and he enjoys learning about physics. Physics helps him understand sports in a scientific level, from the physics of motion and friction to aerodynamics. This experience is something Christopher will not easily forget, he is very excited about moving on to the finals at Liberty Science Center and he is very grateful for the experience.

6th grade winning project:
‘Aquaponics’ by Sydney Perelson 

Sydney’s science fair project concentrated on Aquaponics. “Aquaponics works by providing the fish and plants with the nutrients they need and it saves water!” Sydney enthusiastically explained. “Aquaponics saves more than 75% of water used in soil base gardening, too!” Sydney was drawn to Aquaponics because it involves helping animals and when she grows up she wants to be a veterinarian. Sydney likes to draw and she loves taking care and spending time with her pets; two dogs (a Jack Russell Terrier and a Yorkiepoo), two goldfish, 2 cavies (guinea pigs), a leopard gecko and a cockatiel that she likes to walk around with.

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