Thursday, January 3, 2019

County Prep Creative Art Students Design Cups for Starbucks Holiday Competition

This year County Prep’s Creative Art students participated in their second annual Starbucks Holiday Cup design competition. Each student created a holiday or winter themed design which was submitted and displayed in our hallway this past December. Drawing on top of the actual cups prove to be a tricky task, but our students met this challenge with great success! The display showed a variety of creative, well thought out designs that each student added their own personal touch to.

With the help of our teachers, the votes were collected and awards were given! Our first place winner, Saray Gayed designed a cup based off the classic Christmas movie 'Elf', with 'Buddy the Elf' front and center and distinct scenes from the film along the sides. Our second place winner Giovanni Ortiz designed a cup filled with Mickey Mouse characters all dressed up for the holidays. Finally, we had a tie for third place, between Ryan Cabanlit's detailed Santa drawing cup and Nicole Almenana's whimsical night sky.
The final prizes were awarded to those as follows:
First Place:  Saray Gayed
Second Place: Giovanni Ortiz
Third Place: Ryan Cabanlit & Nicole Almenana
Honorable Mention: Desiree Rivera & Stefania Greczylo
First Place:  Saray Gayed

Second Place: Giovanni Ortiz

Third Place: Nicole Almenana

Third Place: Ryan Cabanlit