Ms. Reczkowski's students made visual displays. The post-it heart is made up of positive comments. It began as a very simple idea and turned out great when students from other classes started contributing their own post-it comments to the heart.
Ms. Mulrain's creative art class also displayed visual art. Each student was given a letter of the word "respect" and created a font, background, and design for their letter. Their designs evoked the meaning of respect in the many different ways we see it around the world.
Ms. Fedele's Class for the Week of Respect
Her students created posters about the meaning of respect and all of the things we feel it for. While it is obvious to most students that we respect people, they also explored how we respect abstract qualities, like honesty and integrity, and famous things like celebrities and movies with positive messages.
Her students created posters about the meaning of respect and all of the things we feel it for. While it is obvious to most students that we respect people, they also explored how we respect abstract qualities, like honesty and integrity, and famous things like celebrities and movies with positive messages.