Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Explore 2000 Embarks on a Team Building Day

On Tuesday, August 25, the faculty and staff from Explore 2000 Middle School traveled to the Ring Homestead Camp in Middletown, New York for a day of team building exercises. Situated on a very large plot of wooded land, the camp features workshops to develop skills related to teamwork, trust, communication, cooperation, goal setting and leadership.

“The entire Explore 2000 team would like to thank The HCST Foundation for sponsoring this experience. Team building exercises are vital to both our new and returning ‘family’ members," said Principal Amy Lin-Rodriguez.

All of the trials were completely voluntary and even those who had to sit out a team undertaking, everyone encouraged their teams from the side lines. According to Explore’s Secretary Michele Jefferey, “Fun was had by all! Although I was not able to participate in most of the activities, it was a pleasure cheering the staff on to SUCCESS!”

From activities where teams have to work together to walk forward on wooden planks to passing through a web of rope with the guidance and lifting of team mates to swinging on a rope and being caught, the day offered many opportunities to grow as a team. “I thought the team building experience was fantastic!” said Language Arts Facilitator Heather Garrett, “The Explore 2000 staff demonstrated the characteristics of a great team.”

Games requiring trust and strategy more than physical prowess also forged unity, like the challenge of passing a hula hoop around a circle while holding hands and similar tasks. The members of team Explore 2000 returned home with stories to tell and moments to remember. “It was a fun-filled day and I really enjoyed working with the Explore 2000 staff on our team building activities,” said Science Facilitator Lauren Norcia.

Principal Lin-Rodriguez added, "The collaborative activities created a culture of trust. By contributing to the common goals of the day (and everyday) we can model a fine example for our learners. We are looking forward to an exciting new and expanded school year! "