Bergen, NJ—April 19, 2017) This year, the High Tech Drama Department will be showcasing
The Liar, a French farce originally
written by the famous playwright Pierre Corneille, but updated by David Ives, announced
Dr. Joseph Giammarella, Principal of High Tech.
The Liar, set in Paris in 1643, involves mistaken
identities, the pursuit of marriage, and duels between rivals, in short, a
classical comedy with a modern twist.
drama majors have worked closely with the prolific contemporary playwright,
since properly executing this show has not been a simple feat. In preparation for the stage interpretation,
the Drama Department watched New York City’s Classic Stage Company perform The Liar. Afterward, the majors took part in a talk-back
with the actors and playwright. So
impressed with High Tech’s questions and comments, Ives wrote Deborah Arters,
High Tech Drama Director, stating that the cast raved about the inquisitiveness,
intelligence, and passion of her department.
Ives, best known for contemporary comedic pieces like “All
in the Timing” and “Is he Dead,” has recently been writing verse adaptations of
17th century plays.
Tickets can be purchased in advance at https://www.showtix4u.com.